Form Fields

This appendix contains the following topics:

Introduction to Form Fields

Header and Total Fields

Line Item Fields


Introduction to Form Fields

C/O comes with several predefined invoice forms. If none of the predefined forms meet your needs, you can select an existing form, make a copy, and modify the copy. You may also design your form from scratch, but this is not recommended.

The Master information (Forms) selection allows you to define an unlimited number of forms and to print almost all of the information fields in the C/O Order Header, Order Line, and Lot / Serial files. See the Forms chapter for designing and assigning fields to forms.

This appendix describes each information field that is available for printing on a form.

The field descriptions are arranged in two groups: Header/Total fields, and Line Item fields.

Header fields are those that print at the top part of the form, while Total fields print at the bottom part. Header and Total fields are fields that relate to the order in general, such as order number, date, customer name, tax, and total order amount.

Line Item fields print in the middle part of the form, between the Header and Total fields. Line Item fields relate to each line on the order, such as item number, description, quantity, and price.

Header and Total Fields

The following table lists Header and Total fields:

Header/Total Fields

Field Name



Apply to number for credit memos

Apply-to type

Type of apply-to number on order:

Blank = one

O = open credit

N = apply to number

Backorder number Backorder number for orders

Balance due

Amount that remains due on order

Bill-to name

Customer name. Entered as line 1 for miscellaneous customer.

Bill-to address 1

Bill to address line 1. Entered as line 2 for miscellaneous customer.

Bill-to address 2

Bill to address line 2. Entered as line 3 for miscellaneous customer.

Bill-to address 3

Bill to address line 3. Entered as line 4 for miscellaneous customer.

Blank line

When this field is selected, no other data is printed on the line, even if it is defined.

Cash amount rcvd

Amount of cash (or check) received with order

Certs code

Certification code

Check number

Zero = cash

Comment line 1-4

Entered when order is entered

Commis amount

Order commission amount, net after discount

Commis calc method

Method used to calculate commissions

Commis override amt

Commission override amount

Commis calc method

Type of override entered for commission amount: N = not overridden, A = amount, P = percent

Commis percent

Order commission percent

Company display name

Company display name

Company report name

Company report name

Company address 1-3

Company address lines 1 through 3

Company phone number

Company phone number

Cust backorder flag

Y = customer allows back orders

Cust balance

Customer balance, including unposted balance

Cust comment

Comment from customer record

Cust contact 1

Contact 1 from Customer file

Cust contact 2

Contact 2 from Customer file

Cust credit rating

Credit rating from Customer file

Cust language

Customer language

Cust number

Customer number

Cust phone 1

Phone 1 from Customer file

Cust phone 2

Phone 2 from Customer file

Cust tax exempt no

Tax exempt number from Customer file

Cust type

Customer type from Customer file

Date entered

System date when order was entered

Default comment 1-5

Comment lines 1 through 5 entered when invoices are printed

Discount amount

Order discount amount

Discount percent

Order discount percent

Due date

Blank until invoice is printed

FOB point

Freight on board point

Freight amount

Freight amount

Invoice date

Date assigned to invoice when printed. System date used if blank

Invoice number

Number assigned to invoice when printed. Blank if invoice not printed

Laser form label

This is the form label when entering number of copies information

Misc amount

Miscellaneous charges amount

Misc chg taxable flag

Y = taxable miscellaneous charges

Misc customer flag

Y = miscellaneous customer

Misc+freight amount

Miscellaneous charges plug freight combined.

Net sale amount

Order shipping amount, net after discount

No. line items

Number of lines on order, including text lines

No. COD labels

Number of COD labels entered. Zero for unselected orders

No. shipping labels

Number of shipping labels entered

Ord ship whse

Order shipping warehouse

Ord ship whse adrs 1

Order shipping warehouse address 1

Ord ship whse adrs 2

Order shipping warehouse address 2

Ord ship whse adrs 3

Order shipping warehouse address 3

Ord ship whse adrs 4

Order shipping warehouse address 4

Ord ship whse name

Order shipping warehouse name

Order date

Entered order date

Order number

Order number, Quote number, or RMA number

Order net total amt

Order shipping amount, net after order discount, plus tax, freight and misc charges

Order total amount

Undiscounted order shipping amount, plus tax, freight and misc charges

Order type

Order type, either I = Invoice, O = Order, C = Credit memo or Q = Quote

Page number

Form page number

PO number

Purchase order number

Quote number

Quote number

Requested ship date

Requested shipping date

Sale amount

Undiscounted order shipping amount

Sales rep

Sales rep for order

Sales rep name

Order sales rep name

Selection code

Selection code

Set to compressed

This sets the text font to compressed, from the point where this field is entered in the document, to print in a compressed font. The default is normal

Set to normal

This sets the to text font to normal (non compressed), from the point where this field is entered in the document, to print in a normal font. The default is normal

Ship date

Order ship date

Ship-to address 1

Ship to address line 1

Ship-to address 2

Ship to address line 2

Ship-to address 3

Ship to address line 3

Ship-to address 4

Ship to address line 4

Ship-to address 5

Ship to address line 5

Ship-to name

Ship to address name

Ship-to phone

Ship to phone

Ship-to code

Ship to code

Ship-via code

Ship via code

Ship-via description

Ship via description

System date

System date

Tax amount 1

Tax amount associated with A/R tax code Tax percent 1

Tax amount 2

Tax amount associated with A/R tax code Tax percent 2

Tax amount 3

Tax amount associated with A/R tax code Tax percent 3

Tax amount 4

Tax amount associated with A/R tax code Tax percent 4

Tax amount 5

Tax amount associated with A/R tax code Tax percent 5

Tax code

Order A/R tax code

Tax code description

Order A/R tax code description

Tax description 1

Order A/R tax description 1

Tax description 2

Order A/R tax description 2

Tax description 3

Order A/R tax description 3

Tax description 4

Order A/R tax description 4

Tax description 5

Order A/R tax description 5

Tax total amount

Total tax adding all tax amounts

Taxable amount

Order taxable amount, net after discount

Terms code

Order A/R terms code

Terms description

Order A/R terms code description

Terms discount

Calculated early payment discount amount based on A/R terms code

Terms discount date

Date on which early payment discount will be given; Zero = invoice not printed

Terms discount pct

Early payment discount percent from order A/R terms code

Terms due date

Date on which invoice payment is due; Zero = invoice not printed

Terms type

D = days, P = proximo

Total ord weight

Total order weight

Total order cost

Total cost of all line items to be shipped

Total qty

Total quantity ordered of line items

Total qty to ship

Total quantity shipping of line items

Total ship weight

Total shipping weight

Line Item Fields

These are the line item fields:

Line Item Fields

Field Name

Description / Notes

ABC code The item value classification

Blank line

When this field is selected, no other data is printed on the line, even if it is defined

Blank line ser/lot

Blank line that follows printing of serial numbers and lot numbers

Commission amount

Line item commission amount, net after discount

Commission method

P = price, G = gross profit

Commission percent

Item commission percent

Control method

Blank = Regular, N = No control, L = Lot #, or S = Serial #.

Customer item no.

Customer item number

Date promised

Date promised to customer

Description 1-2

Item description lines 1 and 2, or text for Text line

Discount amount

Line discount amount. Calculated by multiplying discount percent by line extended price

Discount percent

Entered discount percent

Eng doc date

Engineering document date

Eng doc number

Engineering document number

Eng group code

Engineering group code

Eng revision nbr

Engineering revision number

Extended cost

Item cost multiplied by quantity to ship

Extended price

Undiscounted line extended price

Item category

Item category

Item date created

The date the item was first entered

Item net price

This is the net profit for the item

Item number

Item number

Item price

Item price

Item pricing unit

Pricing unit from Item file

Item ship warehouse

Stocking shipping warehouse

Item ship whse name

Item shipping warehouse name

Item stocked flag

Y if stocked and N if not stocked

Item stocking unit

Stocking unit of measure

Item supl whse

Supplying warehouse

Item supl whse name

Supplying warehouse name

Item type

Item type

Item vendor

Item vendor

Item weight unit

Item weight unit of measure

Last ship date

Date that item is last shipped

Line complete flag

Line complete flag

Line item category

Line item catagory

Line item comment 1

Line item comment 1

Line item comment 2

Line item comment 2

Line item comment 3

Line item comment 3

Line item comment 4

Line item comment 4

Line number

Line number

Line order type

Line order type

Location code

Location code for line item warehouse

Lot number reference

Lot number reference

Lot number

Lot number. Do not put another non-serial number related field on the same line. (See Note 1)

Lot number literal

Lot number literal

Lot quantity

Lot quantity

Misc item flag

Y = miscellaneous item

Net extended price

Line extended price, net after line discount

Order unit

Selling unit for the line

Out of stock flag

Y = quantity not shipped is out of stock

Pricing unit

Pricing unit for the line

Qty backord

Line quantity on backorder

Qty backord/stk

Line quantity on backorder, expressed in stocking units

Qty ordered

Quantity ordered

Qty ordered/stk

Quantity ordered, expressed in stocking units

Qty ret to inv

Quantity returned to inventory

Qty ret to inv/stk

Quantity returned to inventory, expressed in stocking units

Qty shipped to date

Quantity shipped to date

Qty to ship

Quantity to ship

Qty to ship/stk

Quantity to ship, expressed in stocking units

Release no.

Line release number

Routing doc date

Date of the routing

Routing number

Routing number

Routing rev number

Routing revision number

Selection code

Order selection for billing code

Serial no. literal

Literal printed on first serial number line

Serial no. reference

Serial number reference

Serial number

Serial number

Ship date

Line ship date

Shop order flag

Shop order flag

Shop order qty

Shop order qty

Taxable flag

Taxable flag

Text line flag

Text line flag

Unit cost

Item unit cost per selling unit

Unit price

Selling unit price


Note 1

The Lot fields are for printing lot numbers. They may only be defined once on each form. If the Lot quantity or Lot no. reference field is also defined, lot numbers are printed one per line. If Lot number is the only Lot field defined, lot numbers print across the line, separated by commas.



Note 2

There are three fields related to printing serial numbers. They may only be defined once on each form. Serial numbers print across the line, separated by commas, if Serial no. reference is not defined. If Serial no. reference is defined, serial numbers are printed one per line.